Monday, April 30, 2007

Day 30 At Last

Not that I've been keeping up.

The zig-zag chair by Reitveld. I totally forgot he designed it today. I figure if I post that info, I will remember it from now on.

Here is a list poem, we'll call it #30:

A pair of $105 sunglasses, zippered wallet, Blondie t-shirt,
slice of pizza with the walls opened up and a medium diet coke.

Some puppies and a haircut, a pint of beer, a martini, pork chops
and french fries. Wafer cookies, a Dean Koontz novel,

2 iced teas and some very pricey makeup. 5 "so secure" hair clips,
a round brush, Glade air freshener, double double your enjoyment
Double-Mint gum.

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